About the Author: Mr_Hulst

Blij ei | Creatieveling | Directeur Staff Support B.V. | Ondernemer | Student of life | Vriend | Zoon | Broertje | Klankbord | Eén grote hersenstorm en altijd bereid om te sparren.
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Hey Peter,
It was a joy, working together on my website, logo, flyer and business card. I knew from the past that there was only one guy I knew whom I could trust to make this happen for me and I’m sure the website and flyer will have its effects and benefits for me!
As I told you earlier: I’m sure there are others that can design a website. Your added unique qualities though are listening closely and translate wishes not only to design but ALSO to texts that not only are good but also catchy. Your total package is unique and I’m proud we can call each other friends, hopefully for a long, long time!
Thank you so very much for all you have done for me!